Member benefits

As a new organisation founded in 2024, our benefits will expand over time and be guided by opportunities as they arise. We welcome input from all members to contribute to our collective knowledge and growth.

Your annual membership will provide the following current and planned benefits:

  • Opportunity for contact between members to exchange and widen business opportunities.

  • Company listing on the TLABC website.

  • Benefit from founding members’ close relations with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Timor-Leste (CCITL).

  • Provide an open forum for discussing business and trade issues.

  • Opportunity for first-mover advantage to establish a business presence before Timor-Leste receives full membership to ASEAN in 2025.

  • Encourage and support environmental and social responsibility business practices.

  • Suggested: Attend networking functions.

  • Suggested: Partnerships with relevant industry associations.

  • Suggested: Participate in trade missions.

  • Suggested: TLABC Business Awards.

  • Suggested: Receive the regular newsletter covering business activities and opportunities in Timor-Leste.

  • Suggested: Opportunity to participate in social functions in Timor-Leste.

    We are always open to suggestions of other ideas that will fulfil and adhere to the TLABC’s mission and vision.

A country of untapped opportunity